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Application Discovery & Connectivity Management

On-premise or in the cloud, today’s business applications rely on a complex set of connectivity flows that often span multiple servers and networks.  

Network security operations teams must understand and map these flows in order to quickly and securely provision or change network connectivity. But this is no easy task. It’s difficult to discover and map application flows across complex enterprise environments. There’s usually little to no up-to-date documentation and it can take months to gather this information.

To add to the problem, it’s not always easy to understand and translate business requirements for connectivity into networking terms that can be securely implemented. Ultimately, this means that provisioning application connectivity can take weeks. With frequent change requests piling up, the lack of visibility into connectivity requirements causes outages and introduces unnecessary risk.

Discover provision, change and securely decommission application connectivity

With AlgoSec you can discover, provision, change and securely decommission connectivity for business applications. AlgoSec automatically discovers and maps application connectivity requirements to the underlying network infrastructure, and then translates vague requests for connectivity changes into networking terms that security and operations teams can understand, approve and implement.

Through its understanding of application flows, AlgoSec helps avoid network related outages, even throughout complex data center migration or consolidation projects, and enforces security and compliance across the enterprise.

With AlgoSec you can:

The Business Impact: