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AlgoSec Firewall Analyzer
Network Abstraction and Policy Analysis

AlgoSec Firewall Analyzer

AlgoSec Firewall Analyzer delivers visibility and analysis of complex network security policies across on premise and cloud networks. It automates and simplifies security operations including troubleshooting, auditing and risk analysis. Using Firewall Analyzer, you can optimize the configuration of firewalls, routers, web proxies and related network infrastructure to ensure security and compliance.

AlgoSec Firewall Analyzer Helps You:

Instantly Visualize Your Network Security Policy

Instantly Visualize Your Network Security Policy

Firewall Analyzer automatically pulls information from a wide range of devices to generate an interactive network topology map. Through this map you can understand the impact of network security policies on traffic, quickly troubleshoot connectivity issues, plan changes and perform "what-if" traffic queries.

Clean Up and Optimize Firewall Rulesets

Clean Up and Optimize Firewall Rulesets

Firewall Analyzer provides a wide range of actionable recommendations to help you clean up and optimize the security policy. Firewall Analyzer can uncover unused, duplicate, overlapping or expired rules, consolidate and reorder rules, and tighten overly permissive "ANY" rules, without impacting business requirements.

Prepare for Your Next Audit in Hours, Not Weeks

Prepare for Your Next Audit in Hours, Not Weeks

Firewall Analyzer automatically generates pre-populated, audit-ready compliance reports for all leading industry regulations, including PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOX, NERC, FISMA and ISO, as well as custom corporate policies, to reduce audit preparation efforts and costs by as much as 80%.

Easily Define and Enforce Network Segmentation

Easily Define and Enforce Network Segmentation

Firewall Analyzer makes it easy to define and enforce network segmentation throughout your network and across all leading firewall platforms. With Firewall Analyzer you can quickly confirm that your existing network security policy does not violate your network segmentation strategy or block critical business services, and meets compliance requirements.

Assess Your Risk

Assess Your Risk

Firewall Analyzer discovers and prioritizes all risks and their associated rules in your network security policy. Firewall Analyzer relies upon the broadest risk knowledgebase, which includes industry regulations and best practices, as well as customized corporate policies, to ensure that all risks are uncovered.

Mitigate Risk with Baseline Configuration Compliance

Mitigate Risk with Baseline Configuration Compliance

Firewall Analyzer minimizes the risk that devices will be exploited, by continuously monitoring them against custom-defined or recommended device configuration baselines which are provided for each product.

Contact Us

Mailing Address:
A division of BlueAlly
1225 Crescent Green, St. 115
Cary, NC 27518

  • Local: 949-328-2857
  • Sales: 844-960-3901

[email protected]

Our team is here to help you! We are available from Monday – Friday: 7am - 9PM PST and Saturday – Sunday: 9am - 6PM PST and attempt to respond to all inquiries within 1 business day.

Please Note: Technical support is provided by the manufacturer. If you have a product support related questions, please contact the manufacturer directly.