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Security Policy Risk Mitigation

Firewalls are the cornerstone of your network security. They ensure that only business-critical services are allowed to flow to and from your network, to minimize the attack surface.

But network security is only as good as its policy configuration. Today’s networks are highly complex and dynamic and have accumulated thousands of rules across multi-vendor firewalls, NGFWs and cloud security controls. It therefore comes as no surprise that, according to Gartner, “99 percent of all firewall breaches are caused by misconfiguration not firewall flaws”.

A business-driven approach to mitigating network security risk

AlgoSec allows you to instantly assess, prioritize and mitigate risks in firewall policies, and map them to their respective business applications, to deliver a business-driven view of risk. AlgoSec checks your policy against an extensive database of industry best practices, which can be enhanced and customized with risks specific to your organization. AlgoSec also proactively assesses the risk of every proposed firewall rule change before it is implemented, so that you can ensure that your policy remains secure and compliant all the time.

With AlgoSec you can:

The Business Impact: