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Hybrid Cloud Security Management

Cloud is here to stay! Somewhat surprisingly, the number one reason enterprises are flocking to the cloud is not cost, it’s the agility and ease with which business applications can be deployed in the cloud. This means that security processes, which have traditionally been manual and slow must embrace automation to operate at the “speed of cloud”.

However, when it comes to network security the cloud introduces a software-defined security architecture that is fundamentally different from that of physical networks. So you now need to learn how to manage and orchestrate cloud security groups alongside traditional on-premise firewalls in a way that ensures security and compliance, and delivers the connectivity requirements of business applications, wherever they reside.

Seamlessly manage network security across your hybrid cloud environment

With support for leading public and private cloud platforms including AWS, Microsoft Azure and VMWare NSX, AlgoSec seamlessly manages and orchestrates network security across your heterogeneous network. From migrating firewall rules to cloud security groups, to automating change management processes, AlgoSec ensures the security and compliance of your network security policy across your private  and public cloud and on-premise environment.

With AlgoSec you can:

The Business Impact: